Eureka, We Failed!

Found this great piece from about companies that actually celebrate their failures (Failure Party), it also talks about writing your own Failure Resume. All of this is of course to make it easier to be upfront and hence learn from our mistakes. Perhaps we’ll see a AA model for admitting failure … Eureka, We… Fortsett å lese Eureka, We Failed!

Boing Boing: Can anyone own «Web 2.0?»

Another lawyer story. Cory Doctorow makes some nice points here. Personally, everytime I hear of a company trying to clamp down on how people use a word, consept or phrase, like Web 2.0 I feel that the final effect is to hurt the spreading of the consept. No one is going to love O’Reilly after… Fortsett å lese Boing Boing: Can anyone own «Web 2.0?»