Parking space psychology

Parking space psychology, originally uploaded by mskogly. – Taken at 9:23 AM on March 29, 2007 – AKA: How to tell if your coworkers hate their job by watching how they park their cars. I’ve been festering this theory… Personally, when I finally get to work, after getting the kids to kindergarden and driving 20… Fortsett å lese Parking space psychology

Mac leads to better hygiene

Mac leads to better hygiene, originally uploaded by mskogly. Ok, I am officially ashamed. What you see here is potatochips, dip, chopsticks and a Macbook. So what’s the story here? Well, when I first got my Mac I must have washed my hands every single time I touched something else that might have made my… Fortsett å lese Mac leads to better hygiene

Customer: Oh! Ohren Grafisk Formgivning Delivered: Advice and production of a flashbased minisite. Webdev, Flash (AS2), design and development of an XML-driven gallery, contact form with PHP backend. Designs delivered by customer as PSD. Release: March 2007 [flickr_set captions=»true» show_descriptions=»true» id=»72157622219156204″]