Foto: Mina Hadjian får tatovert 1ern i 2ern

Radiovert Mina Hadjian fikk terningkast 1 for sin tv-serie på NRK, og bestemte seg for å ta en Ari Behn og få foreviget det hele i form av en tatovering. I rompesprekken. Mens hun hadde livesending på P3. Presse: VG | Nettavisen [flickr_set captions=»true» show_descriptions=»true» id=»72157604485514986″]

Classic Volvo Amazon

Photo: Classic Volvo, originally uploaded by superrune. That’s me driving my fathers Volvo Amazon, wearing my grandfathers hat. I always drove safer with that hat on. – Taken by my friend Rune, a few years ago.

Why twitter works / Screw productivity

Twitter is a young shoutbox solution, great for emptying you mind and generally shouting in the forest. I went to look at it when it launched and my initial reaction was pure horror, but I checked back in today and signed up. The Public Timeline is still pure mayhem, but it sure is cute mayhem,… Fortsett å lese Why twitter works / Screw productivity