Micro:bit owl

Goal: Make a fun creation that uses servo(s) to flap it’s wings, triggered by different events, like button pressed, poking (accelerometer), movement, change of light, etc. Norsk tekst: Lage en artig figur som bruker servo(er) til flaksende vinger, som trigges av forskjellige hendelser, feks knappetrykk, poke (akselerometer), avstandsmåler, bevegelse, endring i lys. v.1(the instapost has… Fortsett å lese Micro:bit owl

Blowing bubbles

Discovered the wonderful Daniel Shiffman recently, and fell in love with his beginner tutorials on p5js. What a superb educator! Click and drag to draw more bubbles. The max number of bubbles is set to 100, so by drawing new ones you can sort of control what part of the canvas they can move. Click… Fortsett å lese Blowing bubbles

Kategorisert som Art, Code

Quickest way to poll a changing json and update a row in a Google spreadsheet

Aka "a poor mans database". A user asked for a playlist for one of our streaming radiochannels. We have no official playlist for that channel, and being pressed for time I hastily created a Google Spreadsheet and added a simple script for polling a json-script. It uses Google's inbuilt trigger solution for running the script… Fortsett å lese Quickest way to poll a changing json and update a row in a Google spreadsheet

Drawing with JS part 1

A few experiments using javascript to draw or generate graphics. Rune.js Via http://printingcode.runemadsen.com/examples/ See the Pen Rune.js 3 Manipulates the outline of a polygon by changing the position of its vectors. by Morten Skogly (@mskogly) on CodePen. See the Pen Rune.js 8 Loop by Morten Skogly (@mskogly) on CodePen. See the Pen Rune.js 4 Noise… Fortsett å lese Drawing with JS part 1