Les denne: A Short History of Nearly Everything av Bill Bryson

Illustrerte sitater fra en fantastisk lydbok jeg hører på for tiden, anbefales på det varmeste. Sjekk også ut min korte liste med Kindle-bøker du MÅ lese. Wherever you go in the world, whatever animal, plant, bug or blob you look at, if it is alive, it will use the same dictionary and know the same… Fortsett å lese Les denne: A Short History of Nearly Everything av Bill Bryson

First experience borrowing an ebook via Amazon

Poontang, by Charles Willeford, The first book borrowed from Amazon

I’ve read a surprising amount of Kindle ebooks from Amazon during the last two years, usually in bed on the tiny iPhone screen, tucked under the covers so not to disturb my wife. But today I borrowed an ebook for the first time, via Booklending.com, one of several websites that mediate borrowing and lending between… Fortsett å lese First experience borrowing an ebook via Amazon