We are doing a soft launch of a new feature on Norwegian music demo site Urørt.no (nrk.no/urort for those lacking ÆØÅ), namely the option to create you own mixtapes. Each mixtape can contain 20 songs, selected from the over 57000 unsigned mp3s uploaded by the 22000 bands on the site, and you can share it with friends by sending them to Urørt, or by embedding the player in your own website, like this:
A while back we also took the time to contact facebook to have them add our domain nrk.no to their Share Partner program, which was necessary to be able to automatically embed flash in their site, when you use the facebook share feature.
Oh, and every mixtape also comes in the form of a podcast rss so you don’t have to manually download each track if you want to keep all the songs on your harddrive or you ipod.
So if you are like new music and like showing it off, then head on over and create an account.
Må si meg mektig imponert over måtene NRK tar i bruk teknologien iforhold til andre mediabyråer. NRKBeta redaksjonen skal ha for at dem prøver ute nye måter å nå frem på.
Ja, NRKbeta.no rocker, og det sier jeg ikke bare fordi jeg skriver der :)
Urørt er forøvrig et urgammalt community, vi starta det i 1999, gikk live på nett i det herrens år 2000. Myspace com vel diltende etter 6 år etterpå :)