Screenshots from the Wimp music software

Norwegian firm Aspiro is working on a Spotify competitor, due to go into beta in the summer of 2009 according to NRKbeta. But a happy few, including me, has had access for a while, and I wanted to share a few annotated screenshots from the Abobe Air-based client.

PS: To get a betatest login, please send your name and mobile phone number to, and follow @aspiromusic on Twitter

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Wimp frontpage
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Wimp search result, returned on the count of two
Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch!
Wimp search result Nirvana
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Wimp artist page w mashup and fav
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Wimp instillinger
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Get personal recommendations based on your history by authorizing Wimp to access your data. This is what my recommandations look like. A little unusual selection perhaps, but looks interresting.

Wimp personal recommendations
Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch!

Av Morten Skogly

Creator of Things

7 kommentarer

  1. Hvis du har mulighet for å inviterer noen … jeg er veldig interessert :)

    Takker! M

  2. Meget enig i siste punkt: Jeg savner en «tab» som heter Alle sanger.
    Det samme gjelder egentlig i de anbefalingene som ligger inne i programmet, burde vært mulig å enten 1) konvertere til spillelister for deling 2) legge alle sangene som ligger i de anbefalte albumene i en liste (for bruk på shuffle)

    Ellers, meget fornøyd.

    Synes fortsatt Spotify er mer «snappy», samt at Spotify har støtte for Apple Remote…


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