Goal: Make a fun creation that uses servo(s) to flap it’s wings, triggered by different events, like button pressed, poking (accelerometer), movement, change of light, etc. Norsk tekst: Lage en artig figur som bruker servo(er) til flaksende vinger, som trigges av forskjellige hendelser, feks knappetrykk, poke (akselerometer), avstandsmåler, bevegelse, endring i lys. v.1(the instapost has… Fortsett å lese Micro:bit owl
Stikkord: DIY
Postapokalyptisk Supermarked
For et rush det var å ha stand på Maker Faire i år! Vi hadde byttemarked og kreativt verksted, og det var til tider så fullt av folk (mest skoleungdom) på standen at det var umulig å bevege seg, bokstavelig talt. Helt rått! Spesiell takk til NRK for donasjoner av spennende elektronikk! Opplegget er i… Fortsett å lese Postapokalyptisk Supermarked
Ugler i mosen
Admiral Teknofjes
Inspirert av Redd Barna sin flotte julekalender :)
Mini Diy : Party paper decoration from old comic book
Take a colorful page from an old comic or magazine, round off the corners an then cut it into a long ribbon that you can hang or drape over your table. I’ve done this for my kids birthdays for a few years, and it’s a fun fast way to save both money and the environment.
DIY: Upcycling a childrens bathrobe into a cuddly bear
I had a small soft, fluffy pink bathrope that my daughter had outgrown, and some stuffing from a cheap ikea pillow that got torn apart during washing. I cut off the seams, and tried to get the most I could out of the material, and and ended up with two cute Japan-inspired teddybears and a… Fortsett å lese DIY: Upcycling a childrens bathrobe into a cuddly bear
Disse pinnene døde for dine synder
Søte pinnefolk laget av ungene i barnehagen. Liker også denne karen laget av min datter:
DIY: My first «acoustic laptop»
A picture of my first experiment with creating an acoustic laptop, which basically is miked wooden box with a interesting soundgenerating objects inside. Really easy to make, all you need is a piezo element (you’ll find them in those cheap birtdaycards that play music, or you can order them online. The piezo element is soldered… Fortsett å lese DIY: My first «acoustic laptop»
Mini-diy: Upcycled tin cans
Simple DIY project, using two empty tin cans, the back covers of two old issues of Computer arts, and the roots from tall grasses growing at our local beach to tied it all together. Doesn’t get much greener than this :) [flickr_set id=»72157625126294084″]
Mini-DIY: Make your own BORG with voice recorder and playback
[flickr_set id=»72157622863088806″ randomize=»false»] Resistanse is futile!