Insiders blamed for most online movie piracy

photo credit: RocketRaccoon Unauthorized copying of movies is a major concern for the motion picture industry. While unauthorized copies of movies have been distributed via portable physical media for some time, low-cost, high-bandwidth Internet connections and peer-to-peer file sharing networks provide highly efficient distribution media. Many movies are showing up on file sharing networks shortly… Fortsett å lese Insiders blamed for most online movie piracy

Bush IPOD publicity stunt backfires?

Bush publicity stunt backfires? It says in this Herald Tribune article that George Bush gets music to his iPod from a friend. Otherwise known to us lowlife pirateers as p2p filesharing! How cool is that. Maybe he’ll help pass some laws that gives the rest of us immunity from procecution so we can headbang to… Fortsett å lese Bush IPOD publicity stunt backfires?