I made a new header for my blog today, and I just wanted to share a few vector files for those interested in using it, or whatever.
The logo is, as you can see, based on the apple logo (duh!), but I changed it into a pear, and made the BITE larger. Why? Because I like pears. A lot! :)
The files:
pear-logo2.ai (for adobe illustrator)
pear-logo.fla (for adobe flash)
I’m using Adobe Flash more and more for pure design work, most of the sites I create are flash based, so I usually just start prototyping in Flash, not in Photoshop like most. I still use Photoshop exstensively of course, but very seldom for creating dummy layouts, it is just faster to do it in Flash. I suppose it’s a matter of preference, most designers will use Illustrator for creating their work, but since I work web and flash, using Illustrator just slows me down, it’s another tool to buy and learn, that doesn’t add much value compared to Flash and Photoshop. For my use that is.
Use it for whatever you want. :) I don’t mind (but Apple might.) But please drop me a line if you use it. Make my day!
thanks for the pear logo its really cool
I am using the logo for my parodic company, Pear Computing, makers of the BoscBook, BoscBook Pro, iBosc, PearTV, Eyetunes and the PearCare Support Plan.
That’s cool. Just remember that other people can use the logo as well. Share and share alike!
Just what I’ve been looking for. So printing this out and sticking it on my laptop :)