Customer: Oh! Ohren Grafisk Formgivning Delivered: Advice and production of a flashbased minisite. Webdev, Flash (AS2), design and development of an XML-driven gallery, contact form with PHP backend. Designs delivered by customer as PSD. Release: March 2007 [flickr_set captions=»true» show_descriptions=»true» id=»72157622219156204″] Amazon Sambok and BIBSYS ISBN Search

photo credit: gadl Hey, my first Greasemonkey userscript! Amazon Sambok ISBN Search: This is just a fast remake of the Hight Library Linky script. Its my first script, just wanted to check out how hard it would be to rework. Luckily for me it was super easy. It inserts links to two norwegian bibliographical… Fortsett å lese Amazon Sambok and BIBSYS ISBN Search

Me with Billy Gould from Faith no More

Haha, a wonderful drunken polaroid picture of me and Billy Gould from Faith no More, had some beers with him the night before, truly a really great guy. Taken in Bergen when he played with Black Diamond at the Alarm award ceremony.   Someone found this image on Flickr and used it on his Wikipedia… Fortsett å lese Me with Billy Gould from Faith no More


NRK – Leseforeningen – A website I designed, built and worked on a while back.