If you are on Facebook you have probably seen the annoying messages from your friends who’ve just found a deer in their cabbage patch. Actually, chances are high that you ARE that friend, because according to this screenshot, Farmville is played by over 82 million users. I have only one thing to say about that:… Fortsett å lese Farmville is the shit!
Stikkord: facebook
Stortingsvalget 2009 – slik dekkes valg-kvelden på nett
Som webdesigner og utvikler er Stortingsvalget bestandig en spesiell kveld. Det er da de store mediehusene pleier å vise seg fra sin beste side.
New mixtape feature on Urørt.no
We are doing a soft launch of a new feature on Norwegian music demo site Urørt.no (nrk.no/urort for those lacking ÆØÅ), namely the option to create you own mixtapes. Each mixtape can contain 20 songs, selected from the over 57000 unsigned mp3s uploaded by the 22000 bands on the site, and you can share it… Fortsett å lese New mixtape feature on Urørt.no
Is facebook dying?
Are you tired of Facebook? photo credit: borrowed time | demi-brooke The Facebook apps, like the infamous «Funwall» are a real pain, and I have started to remove, block or turn off email alerts on all of them. I do believe that Facebook needs to do something drastic about the third party apps though, like… Fortsett å lese Is facebook dying?
Four ideas I believe in
Four ideas I believe in