H1N1 – The worlds loneliest little robot

The makers of the H1N1 robot-line soon came to regret their choice of name as sales numbers plummeted. The H1N1 was soon replaced by the wildly successful R2D2-line. The H1N1, here holding a tasty complementary H1N1-beverage that came with each model sold. The last remaining H1N1 know to exist was last seen roaming the deserts… Fortsett å lese H1N1 – The worlds loneliest little robot

Pollution at the Arctic polar circle of Norway

Pollution at the Arctic polar circle of Norway, originally uploaded by mskogly. This picture is taken at the Polar Centre on Saltfjellet in Norway, a beautiful area on the highlands where a lot of tourists stop on their way the North Cape. Seems like their grey water (etc, possibly sewage) is poured out into this… Fortsett å lese Pollution at the Arctic polar circle of Norway

Boing Boing: Can anyone own «Web 2.0?»

Another lawyer story. Cory Doctorow makes some nice points here. Personally, everytime I hear of a company trying to clamp down on how people use a word, consept or phrase, like Web 2.0 I feel that the final effect is to hurt the spreading of the consept. No one is going to love O’Reilly after… Fortsett å lese Boing Boing: Can anyone own «Web 2.0?»

The Pirate Bay – The first state sponsored tracker!

The winner of The Top Candidates, a swedish television show aired on SVT, decides to donate his winnings to Pirate Bay. The Pirate Bay – The worlds largest BitTorrent tracker: The First State Financed Tracker So, finally SVT payed up, and the money from Petter’s win at The Top Candidates has found it’s way home.… Fortsett å lese The Pirate Bay – The first state sponsored tracker!


photo credit: bart234465 Have you ever wondered how many times they say «Bad boys» in the (horrible) song «Bad boys (what you’re gonna do when they come for you)»? Of course you have! And the answer is 43! I’ve counted. You’re welcome! But in the category «Repeat use of a word in a popsong», the… Fortsett å lese Procrastination!