RIP Wearehunted, you will be missed. Thank you for introducing me to Lana del Ray before anyone knew who she was, and the awesome cutting edge webdesign. Here are some of my favorites discovered through the site before it closed and was reworked into Twitter Music
Kategori: Trends
Nå kan du leie og kjøpe film i norske iTunes, men utvalget er lite å skryte av
Oi, dette har jeg gledet meg veldig til! Fikk tips på Twitter i dag om at de skulle gå an å leie film via iTunes, og leita rundt i menyene for å finne frem, uten å lykkes. Nedtur! Men så var det en liten fugl som sa at man må søke etter konkrete filmer for… Fortsett å lese Nå kan du leie og kjøpe film i norske iTunes, men utvalget er lite å skryte av
First experience borrowing an ebook via Amazon
I’ve read a surprising amount of Kindle ebooks from Amazon during the last two years, usually in bed on the tiny iPhone screen, tucked under the covers so not to disturb my wife. But today I borrowed an ebook for the first time, via, one of several websites that mediate borrowing and lending between… Fortsett å lese First experience borrowing an ebook via Amazon
5 iPad apps I’m looking forward to
Carters Encyclopaedia of Health and Medicine Why: Great for factloving hypocondriacs! Find new and scary things that might be wrong with you. Comixologys Apple iPad App For Reading Comics Why: Because reading comicbooks on paper in public when you are an adult is plain embarrassing! But on the iPad everyone will think I’m finetuning my… Fortsett å lese 5 iPad apps I’m looking forward to
Farmville is the shit!
If you are on Facebook you have probably seen the annoying messages from your friends who’ve just found a deer in their cabbage patch. Actually, chances are high that you ARE that friend, because according to this screenshot, Farmville is played by over 82 million users. I have only one thing to say about that:… Fortsett å lese Farmville is the shit!
Found: Internet Archaeologists Find Ruins Of 'Friendster' Civilization
Internet Archaeologists Find Ruins Of 'Friendster' Civilization
Stortingsvalget 2009 – slik dekkes valg-kvelden på nett
Som webdesigner og utvikler er Stortingsvalget bestandig en spesiell kveld. Det er da de store mediehusene pleier å vise seg fra sin beste side.
Good augmented reality examples
A collection of my favorite AR examples.
Get you popcorn ready! Voddler screenshots and details
Taking a look at Voddler, a new video-on-demand service set to launch this autumn.
Buzztracker – World News, Mapped
Ad some realtime buzz to your site. The images are updated along with They’re always fresh. For instance, what’s up in Mexico City? Oh that’s right, a pandemic. buzztracker – about