Beyond Graffiti: Clever Guerrilla Urban Art Installations

Beyond Graffiti: Clever Guerrilla Urban Art Installations Spanish artist SpY has refined his subversive urban art interventions over decades of work converting conventional spaces into extraordinary places. He is an international sensation that adapts his work to whatever process and materials a situation calls for, from giant posters and billboards to small-scale transformations. Many of… Fortsett å lese Beyond Graffiti: Clever Guerrilla Urban Art Installations


Find a way to support or duplicate this! I used to skate when I was a kid, and loved it. It just brings a gigantic smile to my face seing these Afghan kids playing. Read more about it at New York Times: CNN


Minnekonsert i Domkirken 30.07.2011 Minnekonsert i Domkirken 30.07.2011

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