House of the Century 1972

This video showcases the «House of the Century» project designed and built by Richard Jost and Ant Farm, completed in 1972 near Angleton, Texas. The ferrocement residence received an award citation from Progressive Architecture in 1973. The Mojo Relic More about the house (warning: the audio is pretty bad) House of the Century Construction (1972)… Fortsett å lese House of the Century 1972

Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty, Keema, Texas

Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty, Keema, Texas, originally uploaded by mskogly. Beautiful bumper sticker. And also remember that God listens to radio. Taken on a roadtrip, driving from Houston to Austin, with a detour to Keema and a short stop in beautiful San Antonio.

Kategorisert som Found, Travel

Daniel Johnson Mural

Daniel Johnson Mural, originally uploaded by mskogly. This is so strange, I took this picture in Austin, in 2006, and today while reading about Daniel Johnson I figured out that this is his work. You can read about him and the story behind it over at wikipedia.

Kategorisert som Found, Travel


Rachael & Ruby – With Dead Animals, originally uploaded by merkley???. Merkley??? is worth checking out, I actually had a hard time deciding which photo to blog, there are so many great ones, but I ended up with this one. Check it out.

MIT sketching

Microfield Softboard demo. Would be wonderful to recreate in Flash, if possible. Into physical computing? Check out these links: [deliciousthumbs tag=»physicalcomputing» count=»9″]

New Itunes. AGAIN!

Fucking Apple is releasing yet another version of Itunes, 7.0.1 this time, no doubt just a bugfix for all the crap that popped up after installing 7.0. I’m getting sick and tired of downloading ItunesSetup.exe, it’s currently at 34.9 mb. and installing it, over and over again, at work and at home. I uninstalled Realplayer… Fortsett å lese New Itunes. AGAIN!

Kategorisert som Found Merket


ShoZu: ShoZu provides a smart, reliable and robust service for uploading photos and videos from your cameraphone to your chosen online sharing site.

Lost City of Atlantis: Photos Underwater – Divester


Update, 8th of february 2009: The Divester server seem to have lost some of it’s images, so I’m looking around for alternativer sources… Plato spoke of the seaport of Atlantis that the Gods had destroyed when its inhabitants had become corrupt and greedy. Ancient mythology has met with modern day fantasy however, in a visionary… Fortsett å lese Lost City of Atlantis: Photos Underwater – Divester