Toy mashup: Darth Vader says … meow!

Not the most advanced mod but I liked how our «brave» cat reacted when I tested a meowing Darth Vader on him. Conclusion: Darth Vader still has the power of the dark side! :) Cat Communication I later learned that only kittens meow. Adult cats only meow to communicate their needs to humans, they won’t… Fortsett å lese Toy mashup: Darth Vader says … meow!

Vibrobots (Tekno S03E04)

I sessongens siste Tekno-sending lagde jeg en handfull «vibrobots», små vibrerende skapninger satt sammen av veldig enkle deler. Her er en video som viser hvordan de oppfører seg. PS: Den observante seer klarer kanskje å se hva noen av vibrobotene er laget av ? :) Vibrobots, eller vibrerende roboter om du vil, er muligens et… Fortsett å lese Vibrobots (Tekno S03E04)

Hardcore recycling

I’ve started stripping this room in preparation for making a new bathroom. I pulled out every single nail I could find and used a powerful magnet to collect them all on a wonderful little nail-ball. Harcore recycling going on, but also to prevent kids and animals to step on them when I put the planks… Fortsett å lese Hardcore recycling