Code: Gameinfo + Gametrailers + Youtube Mashup

Norsk? Du finner en norsk versjon av denne artikkelen på I recently made a Gameinfo service for It pulls in licenced gameinfo from our partner GameXplore though XML, and combines it with a search for related videoes from Youtube before it is presented on the page. Example: FIFA STREET 3 Gameinfo – NRK… Fortsett å lese Code: Gameinfo + Gametrailers + Youtube Mashup

I heart New York!

Girl on Staten Island Ferry (Photo: Morten Skogly)

I only had four days there, in 2006, but it is still one of my favorite cities, mostly because of the people, who are really friendly and talkative, but in a very peculiar and almost hostile way! I would love to go back, especially if I could visit someone who live there, someone who could… Fortsett å lese I heart New York!


I had a “religious period” when I was 17/18 and read alot of different texts, the old and new testament, and loads of books on buddhism, hinduism, bahai, etc. I was living in the US at the time, in 1990/1991, and it was a time of pretty violent imagery on CNN and in the news… Fortsett å lese Yang

Daniel Johnson Mural

Daniel Johnson Mural, originally uploaded by mskogly. This is so strange, I took this picture in Austin, in 2006, and today while reading about Daniel Johnson I figured out that this is his work. You can read about him and the story behind it over at wikipedia.

Kategorisert som Found, Travel

Pollution at the Arctic polar circle of Norway

Pollution at the Arctic polar circle of Norway, originally uploaded by mskogly. This picture is taken at the Polar Centre on Saltfjellet in Norway, a beautiful area on the highlands where a lot of tourists stop on their way the North Cape. Seems like their grey water (etc, possibly sewage) is poured out into this… Fortsett å lese Pollution at the Arctic polar circle of Norway

Mina Hadjian på Hovefestivalen

Av og til tar fantomet (meg) på seg kamerabag og drar ut i verden for å lage tv. Her er noen klipp fra Hovefestivalen i 2007, som stod i gjørmebrytingens og skamklippingens tegn. Herlige Mina Hadjian, min store helt, stod foran kamera, og jeg stod bak. Disse reportasjene ble filmet mens Mina var i harde… Fortsett å lese Mina Hadjian på Hovefestivalen